Wood CPA


Ways to Prepare for Year-End Taxes

Can you believe 2020 is almost over? The end of the year means it’s time to prepare for the upcoming tax season. With economic shifts due to the COVID-19 pandemic and tax changes

2020 School Year Tax-Saving Tips for Parents

School looks a lot different for all of us this year. Whether you are sending your children to public or private school, doing in-class, hybrid, or distance learning, tackling homeschooling, or some combination

Leading your Business Through Uncertain Times

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought uncertainty, fear, and anxiety to our workplaces, especially for small business owners and their employees. How do you lead your business through these uncertain times? How can you

Recession-Proof your Business with these Tips

The current COVID-19 pandemic has brought a lot of uncertainty to our economy, with many businesses temporarily shuttered and millions of people facing unemployment. If you are a business owner, now is the